CASI Regional Chapters

A Regional Chapter is recognized by CASI as a virtual local constituent, with the objective to develop a platform and facilitate professionals to come together, meet, learn, and interact on the theme of sustainability and CSR.

A local chapter enables this, by organizing events and providing opportunities to its local community of professionals for Volunteering, Networking, and Building Knowledge.

The primary goal of CASI: to disseminate the knowledge of sustainability & CSR and to enable professionals from all walks of life to come together on a common platform: is profoundly supported by local chapters.

Regional Chapters play a very important role and manages key stake holders including CASI credential holders, academia, industry and community at large. Finally, it’s all about empowering professionals with knowledge and skillsets to integrate sustainability within their business models.

Why join a Regional Chapter?

Connect and Network

As a CASI credential holder, you belong to a community of professionals that share mutual goals, interests and commitments. Becoming involved with your local chapter will allow you to make valuable connections with peers, share knowledge and discover new opportunities in your profession. Knowledge sharing and Volunteering at the Local Level is one of the key focus of regional chapters


Opportunities can range from one-time tasks or committee involvement, to chapter board leadership roles, including serving as chapter president. Volunteer roles differ among chapters, so the first step is to contact your chapter and ask how you can get involved!

Opportunity to get involved in corporate strategy

Corporations worldwide are working on creating a sustainable model of doing business. CSR and sustainability is now an integral part of business models. Regional Chapters at a grass root level are involved in strategy and knowledge management of local corporates. As a member of a regional chapter; this is a terrific opportunity.

Benefits Provided by Regional Chapters

Access to affordable CASI programs and information exchange through regular chapter meetings and events
Expand your network of business contacts.
Membership in one of Regional Chapters with members in multiple countries immediately puts you in contact with a local circle of peers with similar job responsibilities and concerns.
The Regional Chapter web sites allow members to share advice on topics of professional interest.

Position yourself for management opportunities.

CASI allows members to practice leadership skills through its chapters and its International boards, committees and task forces. The CASI Leadership Conference offers chapter leaders the opportunity to exchange best practices and develop leadership and management skills.

Write Case Studies & white papers

CASI encourages all stake holders to get involved in authoring case studies, white papers and other research. Members of the Regional Chapter lead this initiative at grass root levels, since they are in touch with corporates located in the area. Such research is published on the CASI website and other CASI publications. Regional Chapter members greatly benefit from this initiative.

International Awareness

Regional Chapter members freely interact with other chapters and are encouraged to participate in the CASI blog. Sharing of best practices in one of the primary objective and members are exposed to thought leaders from across the globe.

Leadership Development

CASI is an organization of likeminded successful professionals who believe that every business model has to incorporate sustainability as a core focus. Joint research, Team building, public speaking, planning, organization & managing events and communication are a way of life for CASI credential holders. Being a CASI credential holder provides further experience in learning how to motivate, inspire, and guide others.

Diversity in membership

Professionals from all walks of life are encouraged to be a part of CASI. While credential holders may be from varied fields like finance, manufacturing, operations etc: the single binding theme is they believe in CSR & sustainability. Global membership drive ensures a great diversity amongst members resulting in a very strong global network amongst CASI stake holders.

Speaker Opportunities

One of the primary functions of the CASI regional chapter is to interact with local stake holders including institutes, universities and corporates. The KRA of Regional leaders is to disseminate knowledge of CSR through seminars, training sessions and events. Hence ample speaker opportunities are available for members of the regional chapter.

Business Development Opportunities

Being a part of a brilliant global network has its advantages in terms of networking for business. Periodic events and seminars lead to great networking for business and career advancements.

Placement opportunities

Corporates prefer employees with knowledge of CSR & sustainability. No bigger proof of this concept then the ever growing corporate employees at CASI. Such a network and CASI credentials make it easy to advance your career. Involvement & support of local corporates sort of guarantees that the members of the regional chapter interact with CxO’s and decision makers.

Mentoring the Student Associate Credential holders

One of the primary goals of the Regional Chapter is to mentor the student associate certified members. The final outcome of such mentoring is to help them in developing an in depth understanding of how sustainability can be incorporated in business strategy and also assist in placements.

Engaging with CASI Student Chapters

Students are encouraged to join the student chapters at their institutes. These are institute level arms of CASI to encourage students to learn the business implications of sustainability. Such members may or may not be CASI certified. Nevertheless, it is our responsibility to guide and handhold them. One of the core responsibilities of the regional chapters is to mentor and guide the members of such student chapters.

Continuing being a part of the RC

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Engaging with NGO’s and other bodies

CASI regional chapter may engage with local NGO’s and other bodies for joint events and seminars. Specific permissions have to be obtained for the same.