CASI Regional Chapters
A Regional Chapter is recognized by CASI as a virtual local constituent, with the objective to develop a platform and facilitate professionals to come together, meet, learn, and interact on the theme of sustainability and CSR.
A local chapter enables this, by organizing events and providing opportunities to its local community of professionals for Volunteering, Networking, and Building Knowledge.
The primary goal of CASI: to disseminate the knowledge of sustainability & CSR and to enable professionals from all walks of life to come together on a common platform: is profoundly supported by local chapters.
Regional Chapters play a very important role and manages key stake holders including CASI credential holders, academia, industry and community at large. Finally, it’s all about empowering professionals with knowledge and skillsets to integrate sustainability within their business models.
Role of the Regional Chapter
1. To disseminate knowledge of sustainability & CSR and to enable professionals from all walks of life to come together on a common platform
a. Through seminars, training & events and networking
b. To professionals, institutes, corporates & the community at large
2. Providing opportunities to its local community of professionals for Volunteering, Networking, and Building Knowledge.
3. Create a global network with the ability to reach grass root levels.

Mentoring the Student Associate Credential holders
One of the primary goals of the Regional Chapter is to mentor the student associate certified members. The final outcome of such mentoring is to help them in developing an in depth understanding of how sustainability can be incorporated in business strategy and also assist in placements.
Engaging with CASI Student Chapters
Students are encouraged to join the student chapters at their institutes. These are institute level arms of CASI to encourage students to learn the business implications of sustainability. Such members may or may not be CASI certified. Nevertheless, it is our responsibility to guide and handhold them. One of the core responsibilities of the regional chapters is to mentor and guide the members of such student chapters.
Who can join a Regional Chapter?
1. CASI credential holders
2. CASI Student Chapter Members
3. Special appointees by the central CASI board
4. People who are none of the above may join a CASI regional chapter by paying a specific fee, please write for details
KRA’s of the Regional Chapter
While individual KRA’s may be issued from time to time, the overall KRA of the regional chapter managing committee is:
1. Promote the cause and knowledge of CSR, Accountability and Sustainability in the given geography
2. Organize and deliver lectures & seminars
3. Coach and mentor the affiliated CASI student chapters
4. Assist corporates in developing a CSR & sustainability strategy
5. Assist Institutes and universities in designing curriculum for CSR, Accountability and Sustainability.
a. The Central board of CASI has to be informed and due permissions taken for the same.
b. The central board of CASI has to be informed about the activities in advance and all activities will be mentioned on the website / blog managed by CASI.
6. Assist Hon. Academic Associates to set up student chapters at institutes and universities
Donations / Funds / Raising Funds
CASI is a certification institute and will not accept donations in any form. A strict policy is ensured against donations in kind or cash
Benefits of a regional Chapter
Benefits of a regional Chapter
Managing a regional chapter